

Acupressure is an ancient healing art that's based on the traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupuncture.

The healing touch of hands is used in lieu of needles. This practice accesses and releases blocked energy points in the body. Your body’s own energy is then stimulated and activated which helps promote optimal immune health and restores harmony within.

My clients experience relief from stress, anxiety, depression, migraines, joint and muscle pain, arthritis, menstruation, menopause, insomnia and digestive issues. Clients also schedule routine visits as preventative health care and to maintain their general well being.

The Experience

Arrive to your appointment in comfortable, loose clothing as this is what you will be wearing for your session. Relax to calming sounds as you lay on a comfortable, heated futon mat,

1.5 Hour Session | $165.

Flower Essences

Flower essences are tinctures made from flowers, plants and trees. 

Each flower has its own unique healing vibration. When ingested or administered to the skin it assists the body in releasing trauma and dense vibrations. This allows the body to be in alignment for optimum health of the physical, emotional, and spiritual body. 

My clients experience relief from stress, anxiety, depression, headaches, trauma release, eating disorders, arthritis, lyme disease and other tick borne infections, and hormonal imbalances.

Clients come in regularly to maintain their overall balance and general well being.

The Experience

Before we begin, we will have a detailed consult that helps us choose your custom flower essences. This will help us achieve the best transfer of energy for your session.

Arrive to your appointment in comfortable, loose clothing as this is what you will be wearing for your session. Relax to calming sounds as you lay on a heated massage table.

Also included is your custom flower essence blend to take home with you. Your blend will last approximately 4 weeks.

2 Hour Session | $165. (includes consult time)

The Full Experience

Acupressure & Flower Essences

2.5 Hour Session | $290.

The Bio Mat Experience

Coming soon, an experience like no other.

The Experience

More details to come on the wonders of the bio mat experience.

You will feel the most relaxed you’ve been. This haven of a space is all yours for 30 minutes. To unwind, mediate, manifest, get a deep rest and heal all the same time.

30 Minute Session | $40.


A custom, personal mantra

A setting intention stone to take home with you


Aurora surround visuals

550 HZ frequency soundtrack

A cozy blanket, leg bolster, eye pillow and neck pillow.

See and hear The Bio Mat room….